I'm a writer.

Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

Joined on 1/8/07

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1,650 / 1,880
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5.48 votes
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8 Minutes of your time worth an eternity of love? AND Big thank you's.

Posted by WritersBlock - August 16th, 2008

I have a new song on the Audio Portal. Much love goes out to all who listen. If you can sit through the 8 minutes of music I've created, and maybe even leave a vote or review afterwards, it would mean a lot to me. I thrive off feedback.

Fantasie Mystique

It's the opening track for a planned album I'm working on. The album's called "The Chamber Chronicles.
Read more about it here.

Right now, I'll just shout out a thank you to the people who've helped me to get to where I am now, I doubt I would have done as much as I have without them. The people who've listened to and voted and reviewed my music. I love feedback, it drives me to be the best I can. To the people who've added my music to their favourite submissions lists and to the people who've added me to their favourite artists lists (my "fans" lol). The audio forum regs that give me tips and give others tips that I conveniently listen in and pick up on. Specifically, I feel a thank you is long overdue to: MaestroRage, Rig, SolusLunes, Nav, Rucklo, EchozAurora, Blackhole12, Suspended-3rd-Chord, ZENON, Envy, Karco, Whirlguy, toucanman16, LJcoffee, Mizox, knuxrouge, Coop83, Haggard, Little-Rena, Shanus (and various others from the review request club), xCore, LadyArsenic, WolfBlitz2,cyberdevil, waterflame, cornandbeans, and BigBazz. AND everyone from bandAMP.com. Although I don't think anyone from the site comes here, they helped me get off the ground, and I probably wouldn't be submitting music to newgrounds. Specifically MindsAtPlay, Flyer7747, JimkdaAdtman and Marino. Sorry I haven't been more active on that site in ages. :'(
And I'm sorry if I missed anyone, there are lots of people who have affected my life.
Thanks guys.

I knew I'd forgotten someone. SBB. Thanks for the review oh mighty king of the ambience. You're a world of brilliance. Hadn't heard much of you in a while and it was only when I saw your review that I remembered. Thanks SBB, you're awesome.
And MJTTOMB. Now this guy is seriously underappreciated. He makes classical, and he's damn good at it. He should be up there with Winterwind in fame. Seriously, check him out now.


Awww thanks you! :D

Listening to the track now!

You're awesome Nav. That's a fact.

i will listen happily, i love music!

I'm glad I don't have to resort to hostage threats. =P

in fact now its in my favs, i gave a 5 and a review of 10. I loved it, keep it up!

Thanks, man. I've yet to read the reviews yet but I'll read it and respond pretty soon.

you are an audio master, it's interesting, going through your submissions one by one and seeing how your skill and style have changed in the last year and a three-quarters, your music has always been awesome, but it's been gradually becoming more so, but why am I on your list of people you are thanking? all I ever do is sit around and say the first few things that pop into my head whenever I see something, although I guess that without other people, individuals are nothing


WHEE! *runs around acting like an idiot*

haha, Mizox, you're on my list because although you're not teaching me the skills I've picked up on Newgrounds you're still there listening to my music, and you're great to talk to.

that is awesome!
the first two minutes kinda remind me something from starwars
certain stays in the back of the mind there

Mmhmm. John Williams is an influence of mine most definitely. I'd love to make some full orchestral stuff like the soundtracks to the star wars films but I get distracted too easily. :'(



umm, what?

Caramelldansen is a Swedish pop song that everyone seems to think is Japanese, before you click the link, be warned, once it is in your head, it WILL NOT LEAVE!
<a href="http://www.umauma.cd/">http://www.umauma.cd/</a>

Its mah nyoo ringtone, k?

it is? 0_o how'd you get it?


you notice that whenever we have a conversation, it doesn't stay on topic for long? I guess it's my ADHD

lol nah it's not my ringtone, I was just joking around, such is the joker that I am.

Off-topic-ness is in my nature. What can I say, I get distracted very easily by things such as: Red balls, lights on a wall, a can opener and thermostats. Go figure.

LOL, hyperness is fun


Dansa med oss
dance with us

Klappa era händer
clap your hands

Gör som vi gör
do like we

Ta några steg åt vänster
take a few steps to the left

Lyssna och lär
listen and learn

Missa inte chansen
don't miss the chance

Nu är vi här med
no we're here with the

caramel dance

lol, silly japanese music. ^_^

I am in need of pizza!

I'm eating a jam donut right now.

bugger you
I feel like asking tom fulp: if you were to own Newgrounds, what changes would you do to it?

I'd probably bring more attention to the audio portal, maybe if there were enough voters there a depositing feature for audio could be introduced, maybe then a blam/protect system could be introduced without falling flat on its face. But I'm not one to complain, I'm generally happy with the way things are, and my ideas probably wouldn't work in a realistic world anyway...
What would you do?

place in a collaborative ffort in the audio portal
but remember I was going to ask tom fulp
think about it

It sounds to me like you're suggesting that he doesn't own Newgrounds.

nope I am suggesting nothing
I am just handing out a piece of my stupidity
and done

Oh no, my friend. You're not done yet, in fact you've only just begun.
*wears a wicked grin upon his face*

technically it's Swedish, but it's more popular in Japan than it is in Sweden, and in any case some of the lyrics are misheard by most Japanese as "We don't need any Balsamic vinegar after all" go figure

lol, the title doesn't really sound Japanese. Sounds more German, I think.
okay, NOW it's stuck in my head.
I hate you so much right now.

the only way to get Caramelldansen Speedycake Pemix out of your head is to purge it with an even stronger song, if you can find one, tell me, I could use a dose of it

Try this:
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/l isten/149260

that didn't work, but the Metalized One Wing Angel did

Well listening to that song has compelled me to write lyrics for my upbeat happy-hardcore type song "Millennium Highway". Nice going.
I actually think I might be able to pull something off. Of course I'll have to rewrite the minute or so of the tune that I have got so that it'll fit the lyrics, and I'll have to try and contact a singer, fingers crossed I might be able to see if LadyArsenic could do it.

what devious plans are you brewing?

Music, music and more music.
I've got 3 days off work. Today I feel like working on my Millennium Highway song, tomorrow, I'm performing my classical piano solo Prologue for the local annual music festival, and on Friday I'd like to get into remaking Carbon Baby. I've got some awesome ideas as to how I can build on it.
Then I've got work again. :/

what do you work as?

lol, me? A bouncer?
Nah, I'm a cashier, but I do gatekeeping as well. lol

in that case
hold the fort while I leave
here's your lid *hand helmet*
and hers is your sword
have fun!
*throws smoke bomb*

lol yeah I actually do have to be a gatekeeper. Cars come into the timber yard and I need to write down their numberplates and check their purchases when they leave. It's not as exciting as it first sounds "hey, I'm a gatekeeper.

have you ever thought of dressing up as gandalf and going up to them and say "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Oddly enough, I haven't.
Thanks for the idea!

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