I'm a writer.

Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

Joined on 1/8/07

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The God Program is Up and Running!

Posted by WritersBlock - September 4th, 2008

Oh, whoops. It's just the audio report.
And I can't post it all at once because it's just too massive!
The first interview is real long, and the second interview is even longer! Then there's some more completely awesome articles and an audio report collaboration on the way.
So, if you make music, you like music, or you're a fan of the good ol' newgrounds audio portal, drop by, have a read, and let me know what you think.

Oh, and Tuesday the 9th. That's my 18th birthday, a "coming of age", of sorts. I'm going on holidays tomorrow, and coming home on the 11th, it'll be the first birthday I have away from my parents. I'm spending it with my brother, so it should be pretty fun. Got a long car trip tomorrow, and an even longer bus trip on the return, so I'll be loading up my mp3 players full of everything I can get my hands on. Rock, punk, alternative, metal, dance, trance, techno, classical, videogame soundtracks, podcasts, drum n bass, the whole deal. Mainstream stuff, newgrounds stuff, and some of my own, too ;D
Got a 2 min demo of "Carbon Baby" which I've rebuilt, and I'm not sure if I should submit it to newgrounds before I go, I probably will. It's definitely turning out well, although I'm not doing much on it today, today I just want to get my stuff packed, my music on my mp3 players and the audio report on newgrounds.

Also, if anyone in the audio forum puts the effort into making me a birthday thread, chances are, I won't see it until I return, so, just a little heads up ;D no my lack of response doesn't mean I'm ignoring you guys. <3

Um, yeah. I'll just try and submit this nex part of the audio report, and then maybe submit my Carbon Baby demo.

Cheers, guys. I look forward to returning to Newgrounds as an adult. These past 17 years have really rushed by.
Now get off my lawn! >:(

: ;D


oh I thought you were speaking of that new game thingy called spore or something

Naw, I was actually quoting the blurb I read from a wicked awesome sci-fi book. I actually mention the author in my interview with S3C. It's up now, cheack it out!
Also, blog timer limits suck. I have to wait 2 hours before I can post my 4th article. I fear that the 5th and 6th articles will take longer still..

If you wanted to get more people to pay attention to the audio report, you should have titled this post "newgrounds fucking sucks" or something like that. It worked for notorious. Twice actually.

<a href="http://notorious.newgrounds.com/news/post/149766">http://notorious.newgrounds.com/news/

I loved the review idea. If you want, I can easily scrape up a few reviews for your next report :D

Yeah, but then I'd be following trends...

Why not include the very first audio report in the contents? The old ages of the audio report, ancient history of the audio report, the humble beginnings of the audio report? Why not include THAT, BITCH?!

alright jk but anyway:
<a href="http://firebalt.newgrounds.com/news/post/109482">http://firebalt.newgrounds.com/news/p ost/109482</a>

anyway I'll try to remember making a birthday thread for you. 'grats in advance.

Yeah, I added the first report in the general links section (first blog). ;D

SBB. Check the general links

<a href="http://audioreport.newgrounds.com/news/post/180003">http://audioreport.newgrounds.com/new s/post/180003</a>

It's in there :3

Take that SBB!

Can't wait for your return.
Early Happy Birthday!
My birthday is a day after yours.

Virgos for the win!

But you're 19, and in America. I can legally drink. I went out on my birthday and had a beer with my dinner. Beer taste = not so good, but ok, but it was what it symbolised that tasted so good. And then I came back to my brother's home and played drinking games. I'm surprised I didn't get hungover. XD

You can't just leave me!
What about a hug?

I'm back!!!

Hugz for before I left. Annnnndddd hugz for being back. Is the CTSG done yet?

Oh and a very happy fucking hilarious great fantastic good wacky weird fun enjoyable nice pleasurable birthday.


Yes, since I'm adult now LOL. Formalities plz!

Hey happy birthday buddy!

- toucanman -

Hey! Toucan! Thanks. Haven't seen you in a while, must be busy IRL, I'm guessing.

Can I eated your lawn? :3

Only if you take your shoes off first...

Yay WB's back!
CTSG is veeeeery close to completion.
Anything else?

Who was that whom always said "sir" in the Peanuts comics? Was it Patty? Yes, sir. Stop calling me sir! Something along those lines...

Had a nice time? :3

Had a fucking awesome time. Bought a ton of cheap CDs. And I bought a movie: "Interstella 5555", the animated house musical. In space. The movie with the soundtrack that was my very first album, Daft Punk's Discovery. I just finished watching it now, and for what it's worth, it's fucking brilliant.
Oh, and drinking alcohol is fun, too. *blushfaic*

You got me there.
America is such a tight ass.

Not that I care about drinking, seeing how I don't drink.

I didn't drink before I was legally allowed. I think I had about 4 or 5 drinks before 18, and on my birthday, I had about 6 drinks, 5 of which were consumed in about 1-2 hours. I guess you might drink a little when you hit/approach 21, only if just to try it, but, yeah, age and all that would probably affect how you see things.

so you are 18 now eh?
that is a fair few birthday punches! :D

And for each punch, I'll have a shot of some good stuff... ;D

Holy shit are you serious?
I've been looking for that dvd! O_o
So it's called interstella 5555 eh? If I knew that before it may have been alot easier for me to get it haha:P

I saw it in my local CD shop ages and ages ago, and it wasn't too long ago (a couple of months, maybe) that I got back into listening to Daft Punk as much as I did when it was the only full length album in my CD collection. I looked into it a bit more, and where I'd loved their songs before, for their catchy melodies and energetic beats, I've only just realised that these two guys dressed as robots, are nothing short of geniusses (sp?)
Yeah, you should be able to find the film under that title (It's actually "Interstella 5555 The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem") but the extended name and use of numbers just sounds peculiar. Check a few music stores or DVD stores. If they don't have it, then burn the shops down! The shop that I bought it from only had one copy, which was a shame, since I was there with my friend, who also wanted it, because she's an anime fan. >:(

Oh and beer is teh best :3

I only had 1 beer. And I didn't enjoy it too much. But I drank it for what it symbolized, my first beer in public. Although it was definitely better than the beer tasters I've had in the past...
Nah, the Johnnie Walker and Cola I had last night tasted better.

Beer is like coffee in that way. You'll like it more if you drink it more often.
I'll be off now, there's a lot of stores that need to be burned down ;)

Yeah, I'd consider drinking it again if the mood is right. And take this from experience: Flamethrowers are good, but they're also quite obvious, try going for something more concealable, perhaps the old aerosole can with lighter?

I like beer the best when I have some salty snacks with it. Oh and I was actually thinking of throwing a few moletovs in.

Yeah, I had my beer with fish and chips, chips were VERY salty. Didn't really like the mix of beer and food. Went to a few pubs last night with a few friends from work. It was pretty fun, but I have work today, so I went home pretty early.
And molotovs are very nice.

Fish isn't something you should combine with beer hahaha. If you eat fish, it would taste better to drink white wine with it. I never drank beer with chips either hehehe. Beer is good with something crunchy and salty. Like crisps or peanuts :3
Oh and I have to run, the police could be here anytime.

Yeah, well, I'm no food and beverage conniseur (amispellingitrite?) but I pretty much washed the beer and food down with water anyways, lol.
And here's another tip, cops can't stand abandoned carnivals. If you can find one of them, you'll scare the shit out of them and they'll leave you alone.