So, I've just begun writing what I hope will turn into my first novel. It's loosely based on the plots of previous short stories. The tone of the novel will be much lighter, although don't rule out any torture scenes. ;) Maybe just one, I haven't decided yet.
The story revolves around a young man, Alexander Wilder. He lives in Halberg, the capital city of an as of yet unnamed nation. The nation is at war, and Halberg is under heavy attack, his University is shut down, and so he decides to leave the country to pursue studies and work. He stops over in Krankhafte, to visit his family, makes sure they're safe, before leaving to another unnamed country and unnamed city therein (possibly the nation that they're at war against/allies with in the war?). There, he gets hired as a laboratory assistant, by the reasonably well known and respected scientist, Dr. Frederik Blane. There, Alexander befriends Frederik, and becomes highly involved in some mysterious, almost mythological studies that Dr. Blane has picked up. Things play out similarly to A Note for Elizabeth. To keep things simple, Blane mentions to Wilder about a secret underground city (as of yet unnamed) and flees as the vampire virus begins to transform him. Then Wilder would flee, quite possibly as he wants to avoid being roped into a police investigation. Maybe in this next part he goes under the radar, crossing borders, I'm not so sure about this part, I'm just running through ideas here. He crosses over into "enemy territory" and is captured and interrogated for spy activities (maybe a light off the record military torture). He hears from another prisoner that a plague has been spread via chemical warfare, and was working its way through the nation, spreading out from small villages and farming towns, before getting at the major cities. The stranger mentions one town that he remembered hearing, Crankshaft, or Kankerhafte, or something like that... Wilder escapes, and makes his way back to Krankhafte, where things play out much like The Butcher of Krankhafte. Similar, not the same. But his mum will probably die, and dad will probably be reincarnated, and Wilder will be turned into this fish-zombie creature here too. From there he makes his way through the underground labyrinth into the underground city that Blane spoke of, and he learns of many mutant creatures there, preparing a war against the human race. He meets Blane in the city, and soon they start plotting a rebellion against the leaders behind the planned war. So Wilder, Blane and several (uncreated as of yet) creatures of the underworld plot to overthrow the butcher, Lucifer, and the Grim (the latter two are from the unfinished Beating Heart of Mr. Lincoln). I'm thinking that bringing Sergeant Lincoln into the story might be a bad move, but maybe I'll reconstruct his character through a military figure Wilder comes across earlier in the story. The rebellion will lead towards a war breaking out above ground, perhaps the city could be directly below Halberg, and Halberg could collapse leaving a giant man made canyon type thing where they battle it out, beast vs. beast, beast vs. human, human vs. human to the battered and broken end. Wilder will have sustained serious injuries, and he wakes after the battle in the hospital after having major surgery.
TL;DR- A tale heavily influenced by folklore and mythology, The Wilder Saga takes you on a journey that's part sci-fi, part war/mystery, and epic all the way through!
I've set a target of 20 page chapters and 20 chapters, 400 pages in total is my aim.
Progress so far:
I'll hopefully keep this updated as I go along, if I do complete it, and if I do a good job, I'd love to look at getting it published, so I probably won't post it here, or I'll just post drafts, or something...
Rats make good test subjects.