So, it's 20 minutes till midnight and it'll be Christmas.
My family is going through some tough times at the moment, and I'm going through a period of self reflection. I've had a whole year to myself, to make the most of it, and now that this year's coming to a close, I can have a good look at myself and where I'm currently at. I feel good, I feel fresh and ready to start a new chapter in my life.
Three weeks. Three more weeks and I'll be clocking off work for the last time. All the people I've come to know and love, I cherish their friendship and loyalty. My first solid job, and I'm really going to miss the place.
This year I'm spending Christmas at home. With relatives from all over the state. There's 20-30 of us all up, and I'm looking forward to spending some time with them. I haven't seen a lot of them in a while, and they do mean a lot to me. My grandparents are going through a hardship right now, and I've just got my fingers crossed that they can continue to make the most of what they've got. And I've been amazed at how determined and strong they've been. I'm proud of them, and as much as I don't want to divulge my entire personal life and fine grained details to Newgrounds, I'd like to point out that they've been an important part of my life, especially in these last few months.
And on the other side of the spectrum, there's the pitter patter of tiny feet, running all over the place, and it all reminds me of how fragile and special life is. Take nothing for granted, yet live your life to the fullest, no regrets.
It's all brought me back to one of my favourite ads.
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I'm sad, I'm happy, I'm apprehensive, I'm excited, I'm nervous, all rolled into one. Make your life all that you want it to be, and don't let anyone else dictate your life.
I look forward to coming back here for 2009, and putting in the haul for another year.
Have a merry Christmas Newgrounds.
With sincere well wishes,
Merry Christmas!
And to you too.