I'm a writer.

Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

Joined on 1/8/07

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1,650 / 1,880
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Posted by WritersBlock - July 9th, 2009

Ok, I'm back on this account, which is very fortunate, as my account was hacked by a spammer(s) and my password was changed. Fortunately for me, Wade managed to lock down my account before the situation got out of hand.

All from clicking one fucking link.

It is because of this I have lost my audio modding privelages, as it was a compromise towards the Newgrounds moderation team and Newgrounds staff. I have apologized for this stupid mistake which has caused harm to the site, and thanked Wade for protecting my account.

If you've got any questions or comments you'd like to throw my way, I'm all ears.

Edit: I thought I should add some good news in here, in amongst the gloom of my recent events which have transpired. I got results back from my first semester of Uni. From four subjects, I got 1 pass, 1 credit and 2 disticntions (one of which was 2% short of a high distinction).


You're account still links to The Syndicate Alliance forums, bro.

Oh shit. Thanks.

Shit happens man. Too bad you lost your mod privileges. :[

Yeah. Some days you have good days, some days you have bad days. Yesterday was strange because I got hacked and I got my Uni results back. It'd be cool if I eventually got my mod privelages back, but if I don't, life moves on. In a way it's lessened my attribution with the site and freed me up for other opportunities.

It really really sucks about losing your audio mod status. I hope within time you can be rewarded them back. It was stupid yes, but it was an honest mistake.. I mean so many people before have likely clicked that link from ldle, you just happened to be a mod so jackpot to them..

Still, there was nothing wrong with assuming it was from a fellow mod. It's a shame when we have to check every single user who is sending us links to see if they're ok. We shouldn't have to do that, so I don't blame you, I just blame the kids who find nothing better to do with their time then try to hack into a website or steal awards from the website, or spam the website.

And now the little pricks have ruined it for you, it is a real shame.


They've ruined what I had, yes, but I'm still glad it was JUST my Newgrounds account, and not my hotmail account, not my paypal account or bank account. Yes it was stupid, and it's one of many mistakes that I have made to show just how human I am. I'm regular now, sure, but at the end of the day, what does it matter, what has happened has happened, whatever will be will be. I'll just be focussing on what I am able to do with my life, rather than getting pissy over their juvenile (yet technologically intriguing) prank, which they'd love.

You didn't get hacked dude, you got phished by bored and butthurt little script kiddies with nothing better to do with their time than plot against things on the internet.

Live and learn man, chalk it up to experience. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. All they got was a five minute peek at the everything mod lounge. It's not like they got into the BBS mod forum or the other ones. Silly inconsequential children, lmao.

Hacked/phished, it all sounds the same to me. Anyway, thanks for your comments. :)

You silly goose.

It's a shame that you lost your audio modship. But I guess this is the only way.

Moral: Always look carefully on the links given.

I'll never get used to that gray aura :(

Yeah, people are going to have to be more careful around here.

You can say your lucky they didn't delete your audio, ruin your whistle, etc...

A broken whistle, I can live with, but I'm glad they did leave my audio and writing alone.

Those bastard spammers.

Hey man, just be lucky you got modship once (which I'm sure you are,) your a pretty intelligent guy. Most users just aren't like that.
There is only something like 2 or 3 percent of Newgrounds user who are that lucky.
Anyway, you'll always have tons of NG users you know or don't know supporting you.

Yeah, I've got some good friends on this site, thanks.

And good luck with your uni stuff.

What the hell?! Are you kidding me? Dude, Im so glad they left your stuff alone. I really hope you'll be an audiomod again soon!

To be honest, I don't think so. At least not for a while. You must have heard about what happened to the BBS mod who had the same fate happen to his account? Shitstorm on the BBS. There's not as much potential for mayhem for my account as an audio mod, but it was quite a problem for the other mods and staff to deal with. I'll be fine as a regular user, don't worry about me.

That suck you can't be a mod anymore. Don't worry my friend the [DD] will pay for this and they will wish they never went to newgrounds.

one fucking link can cause so much havok, aint that a bitch.

what did the link look like? i wanna know so that way i can avoid it.

It was just a link in a PM. Just a link...

well, you might have lost your mod powers, but at least your account is back

btw who posted the link?

It was a user posing as "idle", but it was actually "LDLE". Deleted now.

That sucks. At least you got your account back, though.

That's Terrible!

you are officially not alone to be phished, but sucked for what you lost,, we be here for you, and in stickam

<3 <3


Jesus - that sucks!

But congratulations on your grades. Good news in real life always trumps bad news in the online world.

You look so different without your aura though...

Yeah thanks.

I'll get over it, besides, an aura is just a colour... :)

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