In the Valley of the Tempest is the first novel (first draft) I've completed. Just on 50,000 words and it's all on display for you to read. It's a steampunk adventure fantasy packed full of action. It's flawed. Really, it's jammed full of bland, uninteresting text amidst the at times impromptu plot. But do read it regardless. It's on my blog and I may send .pdf files to a few of you if you'd prefer. However, I'll probably take it down in a couple of month's time for potential revision. Here are the chapter links:
Chapter 1: Voyager
The tempest stirs, the city trembles, a man dies of unnatural causes.
In the Valley of the Tempest 1: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 1: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 1: 7-9
In the Valley of the Tempest 1: 10
Chapter 2: Treefingers
Something's in the water. Something bloated and fetid and floating. In amongst the long weeds and foamscum, it floats by.
In the Valley of the Tempest 2: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 2: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 2: 7-9
In the Valley of the Tempest 2: 10
Chapter 3: Oil and Water
Taste it. Drink in the purity and wallow in the truth that you'll never taste pure again. No one ever will, because of your fingerprints, of your dry lips, of your tarnished existence.
In the Valley of the Tempest 3: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 3: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 3: 7-10
Chapter 4: The Cold Acre
Winters come and winters go. You can tell by the freezing and thawing of your hands. But when the winters last forever, that's when you come to know nothing at all.
In the Valley of the Tempest 4: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 4: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 4: 7-9
In the Valley of the Tempest 4: 10
Chapter 5: Butterflies and Hurricanes
The tempest stirs, the city trembles, and they all fall down. A war is coming, and they ask you this one question; are you in or are you out?
In the Valley of the Tempest 5: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 5: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 5: 7-10
Chapter 6: No Path To Follow
There is the place that shouldn't be, yet there it is regardless. There are the people that shake the world, there, in the place that shouldn't be.
In the Valley of the Tempest 6: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 6: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 6: 7-9
In the Valley of the Tempest 6: 10
Chapter 7: Battle Royale
Some ships carry passengers from place to place. Some ships explore to the furthest regions of this world. Some ships just drop bombs.
In the Valley of the Tempest 7: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 7: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 7: 7-10
Chapter 8: The Tempest
The Tempest stirs. The city trembles. No backing out. Success and failure both lie on the brink of tomorrow.
In the Valley of the Tempest 8: 1-3
In the Valley of the Tempest 8: 4-6
In the Valley of the Tempest 8: 7-10
Chapter 9: Rising Up From the Ashes
The Tempest stirs, the city trembles; no more.
In the Valley of the Tempest 9: 1-5
In the Valley of the Tempest 9: 6-10
WORD COUNT: 50,059
I might look into getting the book published through at maybe 50 copies or so. If that all runs smoothly I'd probably give a few books away and maybe sell a few others as my sort of amateur break into novelling.
I hope you guys like what I've written over the course of November. Now I've got plans to start on a short story, working title: 'Coma' of which I'll reveal more about later.
Thanks to everyone who reads my stories and has supported me in my endeavours on this site. You know who you are. ;)
i gave up after the second line.. Sorry im not a reader xD Just felt liek i should say that..