I'm a writer.

Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

Joined on 1/8/07

Exp Points:
1,650 / 1,880
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5.48 votes
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WritersBlock's News

Posted by WritersBlock - April 30th, 2009

Musically, I'm feeling great. Producing songs on FL 8 and 8.5 (BETA) have been a dream. I've been having a lot of fun messing around with new synth VSTi's and VST effects. I've been messing around with new styles of messing around with the sounds, the drums. Early last year, I was also coming up with a fair amount of music that what I considered at the time to be the best I could offer. I put the music on NG and stringed a handful of songs together to become my little "Colours of Music EP". Right now, I've got one particular style I'm sticking with, and adding variety around, and I've strung together 4 complete tracks thus far, as well as 3 demos in the works. I'm chipping away at them as I type. If you've listened to my music in the past and liked what you've heard, you might like my new music, however, I feel that the quality and 'professionalism' is of a higher standard than what I've done in the past. I'm still an amateur, and I can't see that changing any time in the near future, but then again, my goal is to have fun and to share my music around. To be honest, I don't think there's an accurate representation of what I'm working on at the moment, other than my latest four songs.

The tracklisting so far is:
1. Crawl_Space
2. Moon Bears From Outer Space
3. Empathy
4. Barricade
5. Particle Surfer (Demo)
6. Refraction (Demo)
7. Zombionic (Demo)

I'll add more as I start working on them.

Yeah, I'm excited for what the future holds.
I would have liked to have submitted a demo of one of the songs as a little Pico Day present, but I thought it better to hang on to them until they're ready for public ears. :3
Happy Pico day Newgrounds!

Posted by WritersBlock - April 21st, 2009

Word Count: 1,514

He sat in his immense throne of shimmering black obsidian. The Timekeeper, a giant of a man, held perfect posture, gripping the arms of his throne with his bone-white fingers. He was gazing nonchalantly past the billowing gossamer curtains, out into the grey snowy skies, and over his metropolitan empire. He held in his hand a letter he had read through no less than a hundred times, yet it wasn't until now that he could bear to throw the letter to the floor in disgust. It was a warrant for his arrest, signed by the High Chancellor, and approved by the seven other Chancellors of the Society. Why? The Timekeeper's reign over the city had come to its appointed close, yet the Timekeeper, like numerous others before him, had grown dependant of his power, and refused to step down and hand the city over to his apprentice in waiting. He sat in his throne, well aware that the High Chancellor was climbing the very steps of the Timekeeper's tower, with twenty of the city's most disciplined guards in tow.

The Timekeeper rose from his throne, and with elegant strides he walked across the room to his liquor cabinet. He poured a translucent amber toxin into a crystal glass before raising the glass to his thin, dry lips and letting the warm potion slither down his throat. He turned back to glance at the door. A magnificent darkwood mass, framed by a tall, golden archway. Beyond that door, his destiny approached. Five hundred steps, the High Chancellor and his guards had climbed, yet five hundred more remained. There was not a drop of sweat on his brow, instead, the furrowed lines of determination. The Timekeeper stared at the only door in the room, he knew there was no escape.

The Timekeeper took another gulp of his beverage, savouring the smooth taste as it swelled and blossomed in his mouth.
"It shouldn't have to come to this" he said to himself, with bitterness deep set in his voice.
The drink in his hand was imported Clementine Whiskey, no ordinary alcohol, and it had already begun biting down on the Timekeeper's mind.
"My apprentice should have-" He left the sentence hanging, his eyes seemed to have glazed over, lost in a reminiscent trance. "My apprentice..."
He drank deeply, and memories from his past came gushing forth in brilliant clarity, yet these memories rolled before his mind for the last time. The alcohol worked in mysterious, mystical ways, he recalled his memories too perfectly, only for them to erase from his mind moments later. Such was the tragic beauty of the Clementine grog.

"My apprentice should have been here a week ago, to relieve me of my duties. My apprentice should have been here with me, with the eight Chancellors of the Society, but he was not." The Timekeeper spoke as if poisoned with a truth serum, not intending to say what he did, but compelled to regurgitate his thoughts and memories to the empty room. He wasn't in the tower, so the Timekeeper remained until such a time where the Council thought it suitable to terminate his contract.
The Timekeeper sucked in the remaining liquid from his glass and walked over to the fireplace. With a strike of flint against the stone wall of the fireplace, sparks flew onto the dry logs. He sprayed the whiskey from his mouth onto the little fires, providing them with enough juice to grow and flower and latch onto the logs.
"The council's guard found no trace of the whereabouts of my successor. They could not find him because I murdered him." He threw his glass into the fireplace, giving in to a mischievous chuckle, breathing in the alcoholic fumes that emanated from the flames.

He drank some more, he lifted the bottle clumsily to his lips, not caring to wipe away the dribble down his chin, not caring that he sloshed the bottle and stained his robe.
"I tutored my apprentice. I taught him everything he knew, from everything I knew, yet he failed to understand the power and responsibility as I did. He was irresponsible! Incapable of lasting a week or two in the job, let alone a decade!" The Timekeeper spat in frustration before staggering across to his desk. He picked up some documents and ditched them aggressively into the fireplace.

"They told me I should sit tight, and they'd come for me once they'd sorted this mess out. They reassured me, they lied to my fucking face. They knew I'd done something to my successor, they just needed the time to forage for evidence." The Timekeeper laughed malevolently and grabbed the stoker from beside the fireplace. With aggression piercing through his muscles, the Timekeeper flailed the stoker dangerously along the wall, knocking down photographs, paintings and certificates. He flung the stoker across the room, where his pent up aggression bounced harmlessly off the wall.
"The Chancellors, they were like ravens. Vicious, vile creatures of prey. They lied, and I believed them. They hadn't figured out my murder just yet, but it was only a matter of time before they fabricated documents and had me carted away. I wasn't just going to hand down my legacy. Did they expect me to just hand over my life's work, the result of a lifetime of my own sweat and blood, to an amateur? Did they expect me to walk away?" He continued to drink himself into a sea of troubled memories, further into the path of destruction and despair.

The Timekeeper howled a mournful, melancholic cry of which only tortured and wounded beasts may cry. The Timekeeper was as ruthless and vicious a leader as they come, yet his devastation proved that even he, even the Timekeeper was not immortal, even the Timekeeper could suffer as we do, we men of flesh and blood.
"They hated me, they loathed me. If they could have, they would have killed me shortly after I became Timekeeper." He grappled the table, and in one swift motion, he upturned it, sending the numerous foreign objects on it soaring through the air. The Timekeeper's ornate silver knife, which doubled as a letter opener, reached its apex somewhere high above his head, and came down with a frightening precision, penetrating the stone floor with its sharpened tip, cutting deep enough to remain upstanding. It joined the rest of the clutter on the floor.

Another swig, and the Timekeeper became wilder and more aggressive as he sunk further into inebriation. In the chaos and confusion, his memories came faster, and with a sharper clarity, piercing his mind, cleaving it into millions and billions of fragments, pulling the synapses apart and bestowing upon the Timekeeper with the mother of all migraines. He stumbled to his knees, mumbling unintelligible curses. The High Chancellor and his Guards were within earshot, their echoed footsteps amplifying infinitely, crushing his eardrums and causing the Timekeeper to writhe and recoil in agony. They came to claim him. They came to take his tortured body from the wreckage that was his office.
"No..." The Timekeeper whispered, his past flashing before his eyes, his mind destroying upon itself. Blood trickled from the Timekeeper's numerous facial orifices.
The High Chancellor wrenched open the door to the Timekeeper's office.
"NO!" The Timekeeper said aloud, his pinkish blood bubbling from his mouth.
"Hello Timekeeper" The High Chancellor said, with a hint of malice intoned in his voice. "As you are no doubt aware, I've come to arrest you."
"NOOOO!" The Timekeeper cried out in anguish, for he knew that he would rot for an eternity if he went with the High Chancellor.

The Timekeeper mustered all his remaining energy, picked himself up from the floor and leapt through the gossamer curtains off the edge of the balcony and out of the tower, the wind rushing past his face. People on the street looked up in shock and horror, the High Chancellor ran to the balcony, watching the old man's body tumble around in the wind. He fell high and he fell hard, dead on impact, all the High Chancellor could see was the pile of rags that was the Timekeeper's robes. He rushed to the stairs, running down them as fast as humanly possible. He barged open the doors of the tower, and knelt by the Timekeeper's side. The High Chancellor shifted the Timekeeper's robes, to see his face, yet there was no face to be seen. Nor was there a body, either, the robes seemed void of any mass or life entirely. The High Chancellor lifted the robes into his arms, at which point he could feel something moving in the robes. He untangled the bundle, and was greeted with the slight whimper of a perfectly healthy baby child.
"Blessed be the Timekeeper" The High Chancellor uttered to himself in disbelief. He lifted the child in the robes above his head and spoke to the crowd of onlookers. "Friends, my dear friends, we have witnessed a miracle today. A new Timekeeper is born. Long live the Timekeeper!"

Posted by WritersBlock - April 17th, 2009

I've got quite a few small writing prjects and some large writing projects in the works at the moment. I thought it'd be good to lay them all out here, so that anyone can see what I'm up to.

[EDIT] This piece of writing is FINISHED
1 Screenplay: 3-4 Page Script
Working Title: Conscience: The Mysterious Confession of Madeline May
I guess it's quite heavily inspired upon a classical style of literature (hence the Benjamin Button-esque title), and it's a script I have to write for my Film class at Uni.
Because of practicality, the cast will only be around 5 or 6 people, but we'll see how it turns out in the end.
It starts out in a prizon, where the notorious theif Madeline May confesses to her crimes. She tells the detective the story of the moments leading to her capture, starting with the moment that her orphaned neice arrives unannounced on her doorstep. The neice is sharp, she quickly picks up on what her aunt is up to, and she tries to sway her towards common sense. Her pleading sneaks into Madeline's head, toying with her judgement, causing her to doubt herself, to fumble, which leads to her arrest.
<SPOILER WARNING> Not like I'll be posting the final product up here, but anyway.
The detective runs background checks, gathers all the evidence, but he can find no trace of Madeline's niece. She never existed.

[EDIT] This piece of writing is FINISHED
2 Short Story: Monthly Writing Competition Entry
The Timekeeper
I've had a lot of doubt with this one, but a couple of times I've woken up in the middle of the night with ideas, or whole paragraphs forming in my mind. Basically, it's a tale of an otherworldly government system gone sour. The Timekeeper has threatened to turn against the Chancellors of the Society and rise as a dictator over the city. He's lied, cheated, murdered, and finally, the High Chancellor climbs the Timekeeper's tower with a warrant for his arrest. No spoilers for this one, but I've already written the intro and conclusion, I just need to fill in the middle. I'll blog post it and submit it to the thread before the end of the month, or else I will have let myself down.

3 Short Story: Drama I'm aiming to get published
Pot, Kettle, Black
A down to earth story of love, lust and hypocricy. I've already written a good two pages of it, and I'm really pleased so far. I've tried to ramp up the quality of my writing in comparison to the stuff I've posted on NG, and I really think I've achieved that, to this point. The story revolves around a teenage girl, and her interactions with her best friend, the boy across the road </cliche>. However, I've got some content in the story that, while not pushed forth all that strongly, could be taken the wrong way. Namely, the teenage girl exposes herself to her friend. I believe that the situation and the way that it is presented isn't really conflicting or outrageous, but when it comes to underage characters, real or fictional, it's best to always be on the safe side.
Later, her friend dies in the lake when they went swimming. They were drunk. She has to explain herself to his parents, who live a quite luxurious lifestyle, and don't spend much time or affection on their only child. She has an argument with his parents, and she reveals that she also, at one point in time, shared an intimate, sexual relationship with their son, and that she is pregnant with their grandchild.
<END SPOILER WARNING> If I can't get this story published, I might post this on NG, but it's quite unlikely.

4 Novel: Also aiming for publication
The Wilder Saga
She is my baby project. This story is an epic adventure, in a fictional world where it is scientifically possible for creatures such as vampires and zombies to exist. I've been working on a logical, a Lovecraftian approach, some might say, to give the impression that these creatures were born, were created, rather than merely spered up from the bowels of hell. I finished chapter 1 a while ago, and I've made a start on chapter 2, but not too much. I've written about 9,000 words all up, about 20 pages in 10pt times new roman on A5. The main character, Alexander Wilder, is forced out of his city as a war breaks out upon his country. He flees the country, and gets a job in a laboratory in the attempt to avoid the war. He falls in love with his boss's daughter, and when his boss is the victim of a freakish accident, he flees with his boss's daughter, and complicated stuff happens, and now he's involved in a war that goes much deeper than he originally thought. He gets separated from his gal, and within the invading country, he is mistaken for a spy and captured. Somehow, he gets out of this tight situation, and then he finds himself in a secret underground city, where zombies, vampires, and other monstrous mutations of the human physique are gathering and preparing to attack the humans above ground. So it's a clash of three armies, and Alexander needs to bring a halt to the warring, to bring peace to his country. Well, that's just a rugged summary, all over the shop.

Also, I started a little music collab with MaestroRage today, I'm really eager to see where that goes.

Previous Blog

Posted by WritersBlock - April 16th, 2009

Hey all,

I just finished working on my latest song, Barricade. It'd be great if I could get some votes and some feedback for it, as I find your support a great motivator for trying to make my music better.

Also, I feel like I'm running on a creative high at the moment, and if I can string a few more songs together, I might do as nubbin did and put these songs out as an album. I might choose one of the song titles for the album name, but right now, I'm considering the title "Sidechained Melody". What do you think?

On a not so creative note, I've yet to break through a short writing stint on my entry for the April writing competition. Maybe it's the pressure of actually being eligible to win prizes this time around, or whether it's just me not being able to find the words and actions to make my story unravel like my stories usually do. Anyway, if you're a writer, you should seriously consider entering. If you put in a serious effort, there's a good chance that you'll get some feedback from other users or judges, and just being around other writers, in the past, I've found that to be invaluable experience.


P.S: To everyone going to the Sydney/Melbourne NG Australia meet up this weekend; Have a blast, I'm sure it'll be a riot. Wishing I was there.
P.P.S: In regards to the NG Australia meet up; Hi Lochie. ;D

Posted by WritersBlock - April 12th, 2009

Sometimes I sit at home and
Wonder if she's sitting at home
Thinking of me and wondering if I'm
Sitting at home, thinking about her
Or am I just wasting my time?

Posted by WritersBlock - April 1st, 2009

I love Newground's new layout.

Posted by WritersBlock - March 29th, 2009

I finally caved in and joined one of the many internet trends of this decade. I still distance myself from facebook and myspace.


According to twitter, I'm listening to the soundtrack to Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. Which I am. :D

Posted by WritersBlock - March 25th, 2009

I just submitted my latest song, Empathy, to the Newgrounds Audio Portal. I spent quite a lot of time on it over the 15 days that it took from beginning to end, and so here's where I'll find out whether the hard work payed off.
Check it out, vote and review, basically, let me know what you think.

Also, my audio favourites list ticked over to 151 the other day. I feel like it's some sort of special accomplishment. Thanks to my friends and fans, for listening to my music and supporting me over the couple of years I've been submitting to this site. You're all a fantastic bunch of people.

Posted by WritersBlock - March 15th, 2009

EDIT: Empathy also on YouTube

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I've decided to start putting my music on YouTube now. Why? Well, I really don't know. Just another way to whore out my music. I mean, in this blog, it's right in your face, isn't it?

Posted by WritersBlock - March 7th, 2009

<Linky linky listen>

I think this song is good because I made it when I was a little stressed. I don't usually get stressed, so I decided to capitalise on my discomfort. I kind of just got in my "crawl space" and wrote. Sampled, edited, composed, constructed. And now I'm calm again. But I'm so damn tired.
