Sounds like a random noodle-fest.
You might want to brush up on your noodling skills, some parts sound like a child just pressing random notes (not to sound offensive). But, yeah, the war part wasn't all that strong. It would have worked a helluva lot better if you used a minor key there. Also, it sound that some accidentals were placed there unnecesarilly, so all in all, it just sounds like random notes, practice a bit on your improv skills (I'm hopeless at it, so I don't really mess with it unless I develop it into a proper song). I don't mean to sound mean, but it wasn't good. I'd recommend to learn a bit more about how you should progress with a song, get the necessary chords to flow into eachother, and give it the proper climax it deserves. Not bad, but in all honesty, I'm voting 2. (not to discourage you, but not to put on a false attitude and give you the impression that you're really good, you'll develop the necessary skills soon enough).