
252 Audio Reviews

163 w/ Responses


This is a great remix, a top notch balance between cover and originality. The beat's really catchy, and overall, it was really well done.

Great job.


PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

Thnx much WB. I tried real hard on this one and I'm glad it turned out the way it did. Im glad you agree :D


Although the instruments used here required some more backup, the melody and harmony could have used some strings or piano in the bass or something to back it up, those 2 layers were a little too dry and sharp, and strings really would have softened it down and supported the melody really nicely, but regardless, it was nice to hear this unfamiliar tune. You did a good job, keep it up.

-Review Request Club-

knuxrouge responds:


Nice ambience

The soft dark undertone is great, the build up doesn't amount to much, but it's still pretty solid. Great work, it sounds really cool, drums are spot on, and the strings have a great effect, very emotional.
Top stuff.

-Review Request Club-

RyeGuyHead responds:

ooooohh yea

cool trance

Nice synths and melodies. It sounds a little stop and start with one of the synths, but it's ok when the drum beat comes in. It has a pulsing feel to it, but that's pretty cool. Overall, it's a pretty sweet tune, great synths, I liked it very much. Maybe try something longer next time?
Great job.

-Review Request Club-


Kind of reminds me of snowboard kids, the quick upbeat happy style, I love this style. The synths probably could be a bit better, the piano is cool, the others could use some more character, reverb, give them less of that conventional VG sound and go with something more original.
Great composition, it's sweet, awesome to listen to and enjoy. Good job.

-Review Request Club-

FunkmasterCatking responds:



great use of vocals, I love that robotoid sound. Awesome. The instrumentation is pretty cool, but a little repetitive, so the vocals really made the song. If you could somehow incorporate this with serious lyrics and a more varied and extended instrumentation, you'd have a pretty awesome daft punk-ish song on your hands.
Good job.

-Review Request Club-

Nice solo

The instruments with the piano sound pretty decent, you play it well, the solo part is prett cool. I'd suggest turning the drums down a bit, they seem to get in the way of the piano, I think. Overall, it's a great song, nice and easy to listen. Good job. I enjoyed it.

-Review Request Club-


It's really loud, a little bit of distortion going on. The impression of the tune and dynamics isn't really cloud like, but it is a cool tune, you could probably develop it into a proper tune fairly easily and it would be great.

Good work, it's a great start.

-Review Request Club-

Unlike the others,

I HAVE heard the original, and, sadly, this one doesn't stand up to it. The chords are too strong, the lead is beautiful, but in this cover, it's just too hard to hear, it should be coming crystal clear over the top. The soloing kind of distracted away from the main melody, which I think is a bad thing. It would sound a lot better if you softened down on the chords, brought the lead out a lot more, and structured it better, add in a section in the middle, specifically for the solo, so that it doesn't get in the way of the melody. I think it'd be worthwhile to add the vocals in, because as it is now, the melody doesn't linger in your mind like the original does, but maybe that'll improve if you bring the lead out. Overall, I think I'm just being picky because you've picked a really soulful song to cover, and you've done a good job, but it's not brilliant. It's too clustered.

Keep working at it!

-Review Request Club-

Jurian responds:

It wasn't my idea to make the exact same song, it was my idea to give it a twist.

I really like this tune.

Your version has its charm, but I've got to agree with shizeet that you could have brought the lead down and the background up. One of the things that really bugged me about the original tune was that the lead part only played when you weren't moving. Other than the volume, this is a decent track, brings back the memories.

Good job.

knuxrouge responds:


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Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

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