
30 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Haha, better than your average

homemade film. It's not hollywood, but the camerawork and script was pretty well executed. Maybe some lighting issues here and there, I'm going to guess that the sound was the quality it was because of the overall film's quality being reduced a bit. I thought the ending was, for the most part, decent, but the dancing around felt a bit out of place. Great use of humour, I think you guys did a decent job. Well done!

Fro responds:

Thanks for the review. We did a couple of shots of the ending, but it just seemed to be the only one that went with the movie. I really don't know what else would have fit there though.

Perhaps we should invest in some mics to make the sound better. That's the only thing that is really missing from our movies now.

Great work

The illustrations were wonderful, the voicework was brilliant, and the story, impeccable. Congratulations on making a success out of your storybook collab. Only thing to note is that the text is a little hard to read. This would have been a much bigger problem if the voices weren't as clear as they were.

AdamCook responds:

I've seen your works in the Storybook Collab; you're very poetic and literate, so this kind of reception is truly wonderful. Thank you for checking this out and I'm thrilled you enjoyed it!

The text issue has been fixed; enjoy!

I very much look forward to seeing you deliver something for the Collab yourself; I hope to see you on here soon doing similiar business!

Cheers, and best of luck to you in your own ventures!


Lol quoted me. :3
A classic Lochie humourous short. Ahh, the style of old film and lochie ^___^ meld together unexpectedly well. I laughed, I 5'd, I give you a pat on the back, my fine sir.

I'm now "leet". Care to go for a joyride in my ROFLcopter?

Lochie responds:

I'd love to go for a joyride in your ROFLcopter. <3

THanks for the 5'n'10. <3

I also wear a paper bag on my head.

I think it's great how they continue at it at the end, even though there's plenty more apples to go round.
I was wondering, how would the guy with the paper bag eat an apple anyway, without removing his paper bag? I saw no mouth on that character! And the one that was all mouth and no body, how did he manage NOT to eat it?
Simple storylline, elegant and well executed. Music was great. An all around class act. *thumbs up*

SWiTCH responds:

That's a good question!
They didn't wan't to eat the apple anyway, they just wanted to fight over it. :)

I think that

it was good.
Fun. Nice. Random.
Perfect for people like me with a short attention span.
Maybe if you added something shiny in there... or a red ball...
Oh, and you spelled "End" wrong, that was the part at the end of the movie, you spelled it "edn". Might want to fix that.
I'll be waiting for your return from Bel Air, so that you can make more awesome flash movies.

Lochie responds:

A red ball would have fitten perfectly, I don't know why I didn't put that in! D:

I'll be back from Bel Air soon.
Thanks! :D

/edn reply.


It seems a little slow in conversation, I think that was dragged out a bit too much, but the art and animation was really great and the voice acting was pretty solid too. The ending was funny and a bit unexpected, it was done well.

Good work.

-Review Request Club-

Lambinvoker responds:

Thanks for the review.
I agree with you (and many others) stating that the conversation was too slow throughout the animation. This was my first attempt at comedy, and I have learned now that proper timing is vital to keep people's attention and to get the joke across. It will be a little while before I attempt another comedy.

Plot = weird

I don't really get the connection between the plot and the title, I think the music is a little qirky for someone committing suicide (?)
But the drawing was done well, animation could have been a bit smoother, but overall, it's a good little flash. Not too much to comment on, due to length, but it definitely showcases your ability, so it's a great start to build from, and it's a good sign for things to come.
Keep at it.

-Review Request Club-

Lambinvoker responds:

Thanks for the review.
Wouldn't it be funny if she jumped from a love blimp?

I'm a writer.

Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

Joined on 1/8/07

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