
57 Movie Reviews

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Pretty funny

Pretty decent graphics, the light on the screen was a little weird how he was behind it, but the plot was pretty good, amusing, voice acting was decent. I could see a lot of effort went into this, and it came out at quite a decent quality. Good job.

-Review Request Club-

PostTimeskipSam responds:

Thanks, he was behind the light because I was giving the scene a projector feel and how the projector light is shining on him.

Pretty decent

Animation style is good, it could have been a bit smoother, but it was fun to watch. Easter egg was random, not bad, but the actual movie was better.

With a bit more practice, I'm sure your skills will become more tidy and better to watch.
Nice movie, certainly interesting. O.o
Good job.

-Review Request Club-

Ying-yong responds:

Interesting movies tend to be better than movies that aren't


That was incredibly amusing. The drawings were so bad. You did a good job making fun of them.
Your art and animation was good. Kind of teacher-like, pointing out grammar and missing legs in red. Very funny, very enjoyable. Makes for a good laugh.

-Review Request Club-

Graeme responds:

Glad you liked it. Glad to to see you also understand its all in good fun.
Some people think I was just being a dick, or that a made up captain-insano1

It's nothing spectacular

But it's decent. The camera quality was poor though. A clearer image would make this a lot better. Also, maybe work for a longer movie with a bit more of a plot, it just looked like a random skirmish with lego characters...

But it's stop motion, so you automatically get extra points for that. Nice try.

-Review Request Club-

Graeme responds:

If I had to re-do part of it, I would have made the camera on a better setting. Perhaps on a low light filter, that way the image would have been much brighter.

High quality animation

The plots were also very well laid out. You did a brilliant job of emulating south park and transformers. The jokes were funny, and it's great that you're backing your animation with not-so-subliminal messages. Good job. 10/10. 5/5. I don't have any suggestions for improvement, except perhaps that after the south park short, it goes back to the menu instead of flowing straight into the transformers short.



-Review Request Club-

Nice idea

The execution of the idea could have been better, though.
It's too short to develop much interesting happenings. The FBF drawing could be better, it needs to have more artistic flare, if you know what I mean. It'd be great if you could animate the wave FBF, to give it a more fluent and natural motion, although I imagine it would be tricky to pull that off well, the wave, as you have it now requires a more natural edge to it, it doesn't really flow like a wave should. I did like the concept, it's interesting, kind of reminds me of the "Pass my flash" collab. I think if you could get that sort of vibe with the animation, it'd be more appealing.
Nice start, I'd like to see this idea developed further, though.

-Review Request Club-

I'm a writer.

Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

Joined on 1/8/07

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