
252 Audio Reviews

163 w/ Responses

I Love Clouds too! ^_^

This is a nice song to listen to. Lots of fun. It has a kind of dry preset-ish sound to it, in that the string type sound lacks some extra texture in that when you play it at that speed, it's obvious that each note is the same. I think some reverb there should give it a bit more depth. But there's something about that digital sound that gives this song the sweet nostalgic "looking at the clouds" thing. I think it would sound good with some more realistic type effects, but I also think it sounds good like this. Yes, very useful comments there "you could change this, but you don't have to" =P. The way it's composed it really great, and that style fits with that digital instrument type sound there. The piano melody is really sweet and it's very enjoyable to listen to, so I'll quit complaining about digital effects and enjoy the song.

*thumbs up*

SolusLunes responds:

I will see about the strings. :D

Thanks for teh reviewz :D

Cool loop

This is great for a very short loop. Everything sounds great. Although I can't help but feel that if you doubled the length and added a lead, it would sound even better.

Great work, well worth the use in animations/games. I hope it gets used. You've got a great sound here.

-Review Request Club-

RyeGuyHead responds:

I do like to solo/jam over this little loop.

If something smashing pops up, then i shall post

Front page dis naow!!!

I liked da fourth part da bestest. =P
Lol, nah, it all turned out pretty awesome in the end, 4 minutes of awesome randomness that requires animating now.

3 plz!


Better than the others you wanted reviewed. It does lack depth though. The one instrument on its own is not enough to keep my interest, especially since it only lasts for 14 seconds before repeating. Maybe add in a music box for the higher frequencies, and maybe a theremin in the middle, with low volume, they would bring out the creepiness that you have started here. Not bad, needs work. Build on from this, and it might be pretty good.

-Review Request Club-

Conal responds:


Loops ok

but it lacks tune, it lacks melody, it lacks harmony, it lacks a lot of things. It's just an overly fuzzy weak percussion loop that anyone could throw together. Like the other ones, it lacks effort.

-Review Request Club-

Conal responds:

The others do NOT lack effort.

1 second isn't a long time

You should consider making these sound effects longer and actually turning them into something a little more unique. It sounds like random noise. It could be for a laser gun, but it could be for a lot of things, whereas an animator will probably want to make damn sure his sound effects actually sound like a laser gun or whatever.

-Review Request Club-

Conal responds:


Not bad

I agree that if you string together a whole lot of these, you could make a sound fx pack for flash authors.

Not much else to say.

-Review Request Club-

Conal responds:


I'm a writer.

Shane Cartledge @WritersBlock

Age 34, Male

Curtin Uni

Perth, Australia

Joined on 1/8/07

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