Constructive crit?
Ok, first of all the progression is great, although I don't think, even with the different parts based on that progression, that the song has enough variation to last the duration of the song. I'd say that's because you need to have a solid defining lead in there, everything seems to be of equal importance, but what you should be doing is creating a lead around your progression, maybe have it last for twice as long as the progression, and then maybe you could vary the harmony on the second run of the progression. That way, you could develop the lead to flow with the track, and the change in the lead would suffice to maintain interest throughout the song. The faster section was a nice idea, however, I think it would have sounded better if you had swapped the bass at that point with a longer synth bass, because it sounded a bit clumsy with that bass speeding up, whereas it would sound more smooth if you had played it less often. For that, I would think that making the tempo a little less fast would have made this less of an issue. The choir type synth around 2:40 and 3:00 doesn't really sound good, I'd say you're better off going with a less choral sounding synth, you really need some high quality samples if you want to attempt the choir.
But that's all critical thinking, on the whole, it's quite a good ambient piece, just maybe sustain your solo instruments, instead of dropping them out after only a few bars of playing. Mix it up a bit. It's only small things really. Keep up the good work, it's an enjoyable track, and it's great to relax and listen to, and if you're listening to the song from a casual perspective, and not a critical one, then it's worth the listen.
Good job, keep at it!
-Review Request Club-